Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Why is searching for shells on the beach very expensive?
Ans: You are shelling-out

Okay, horrible joke. Check this out..Screenshots showing how windows has evolved
[Important ones only. Rubbish like windows Me have been ommited]

Windows 1.01

Windows 3.1

Windows NT

Windows 9x

Windows 2000

Windows XP [My PC... Got some enhancements...]

Windows Longhorn

Windows Vista

Thursday, November 24, 2005

A typical post

Heya/Helo/Allo/Heyy [Notice the weird greetings]

Life sucks. I a deeply troubled due to my clairvoyant presence in the surrounding atmosphere that radiates a presence of wave spaghetti. [weird reasons, everytime]

School is worse..... I endure torture and its a pain. Help me...

Im so bored. Like sucks [reiterated 170000 times] .

*Quing* *pinj* *blikes* *asdhh* *uedue* * yusd* *poiyt* [Make up weird words]

I have been tagged...

So I will reiterate a monotonous thing that 5.95 / 6 million blogs have
7 things i plan to do
1. Not do this ever again
2. Not feel bored [is BLOG routed in BORED perchance?]
3. umm.... [hesitance is the mother of all blogging]
4. umm..umm.. [reiteration is the father then]
5. Be evil
6. Take control of the spinning CD racks
7. Make life not suck

7 things i can do
1. fill the CANT DO columnwith these contents
2. Sing a lot (or yowl) [Good singing isnt 'cool' these days?]
3. Be funny
4. Make fun of stereotypical blogs
5. Watch LOTR 4.. oh sorry I meant Harry Potter
6. Laugh
7. Umm... [See above]

7 things i cant do
1. fill the CAN DO column with these contents
2. Be boring
3. Not imitate boring posts
4. Become the master of this world
5. umm... [Refer sumwhere in this document]
6. End this list at number 6
7. Think that ManU and HP are good

5 things id never wear
1. CD's
2. Umm...
3. Pink with green spots
4. CD's
5. Hair Gel

I am now being a robot. I shall tag all on my blog list....

Please continue this tradition of emulating others....


DISCLAIMER: This was made in an attempt to highlight the BLADE nature of most blogs. Please make yours unique...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Monday, November 21, 2005

Calvin and Hobbes

Sorry for not posting, been busy and havent got any new ideas. I am just posting a Calvin and Hobbes strip that is godlike...

Its absolutely amazing. How did he come up with this is a mystery, especuially since Krakow was actually the captial...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Napiers 'Instruments'

Request: Please blog, those people who are still on my list....